Victoria LoCascio

Job Interview Expert

Convey Your Powerful Professional Brand!

Ace Your Interview

Résumé—Cover Letter—Reference List—LinkedIn Profile

Hiring managers and recruiters initially spend less than 15 seconds scanning your résumé and cover letter. Your documents need to leave a quick, positive impression. They must be completely error-free and absolutely flawless—one mistake will immediately get them thrown in the circular file (aka the garbage can)!

As a Certified Professional Résumé Writer and an expert in hiring practices, company president Victoria LoCascio will write your résumé and cover letter to showcase your skills and abilities, and to convey value to potential employers. Your technology-friendly documents will have applicable keywords woven throughout them to increase the likelihood of successfully passing through recruiting management software. A reference list that matches the style of your résumé will also be created for you.

Candidates with professionally written documents are:

  • 38% more likely to be contacted by recruiters
  • 31% more likely to get an interview
  • 40% more likely to land the job

(source: beSatisfied Résumé Rewrite Impact Survey)

Interview Coaching

Learn how to navigate the job search process and improve your chances of landing an interview in this fiercely competitive market. Victoria LoCascio offers a 3-hour group training where you will learn everything you need to know to land your dream job. Or, if you’d like to work one-on-one with one of the best interview coaches nationwide, personal sessions are available with Victoria.

Find all the details on the Ace Your Interview website!



Ace Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn Profile Connections & Skills Endorsements Service

Are you being contacted by recruiters and hiring managers through LinkedIn to interview for their open positions? If not, then your LinkedIn profile needs a boost!

Increase your Profile Ranking & Profile Visibility & Network Size & Endorsements so more recruiters and hiring managers will notice your profile and contact you to interview for their open positions!

Over 600 professionals from the United States will be connected to your LinkedIn profile, and your profile will receive over 200 endorsements in the Skills section. High numbers of quality connections and endorsements are important due to the way the LinkedIn system classifies your profile for search purposes on the back end. Boost your profile and start to get noticed! More visibility = More job interviews!

Find all the details on the Ace Your LinkedIn Profile website!

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